Monday, May 28, 2012

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Hi, my name is Cas.  Actually, it’s short for Theseus Cassio Lowood.  Before you make any cracks about my name, I’m going to stop to you right there.  Just stick to calling me Cas.  It’s just me and my mom.  We move around a lot.  No, we’re not on the run from the law.  I’m still in high school, but I kind of have a job.  I kill ghosts!  Yep, I kill them.  Now, I know you’re thinking, “Ghostbuster,” right?  Wrong.  I kill that which is already dead.  I kill that which has been haunting, hurting and even killing the living.  Cool gig, huh?  Not really.  It takes a lot out of me and it doesn’t leave me a lot of time for making friends.  Well, here we are in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  My work has brought me here.  I don’t know how long we’ll stay.  I was given a tip on a ghost here in Thunder Bay.  They call her “Anna Dressed in Blood.”  They say that she was a 16 year old who was murdered on her way to a school dance in 1958.  They never found out who murdered her.  She’s been on a killing spree for over 50 years.  As usual, mom has enrolled me in school.  It’s my mission to find out as much as I can about Anna.  That is my only goal, but now I’ve sort of made friends with a few kids at my school.  Thomas and Carmel.  Carmel is just an ordinary girl.  Thomas, on the other hand, reads minds and practices witchcraft.  Hey, Thomas!  Cut it out!  Let me finish telling the folks about my story.  Sorry about that.  He’s trying to control that because he’s the first friend I’ve sort of ever had.  Back to Anna.  We’re on her trail.  I have seen her, in the flesh (pardon the pun because ghosts have no flesh).  She’s no ordinary ghost and for whatever reason, she doesn’t kill me (or can't) when I enter her home.  I wish I could say the same fortune awaited others who would enter her domain. The truth is, Anna is cursed!  She can help who she does and who she has become.

Read by Halla on May 28, 2012

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